\n Students who are unable to register for a course and need an override\n should complete the form below.\n
\n\n\n Only courses offered by the College of Health Solutions may be requested\n using this form. Other overrides should be requested of the college or\n school offering the course.\n
\n\n\n Course overrides are not guaranteed, and requests will be processed in\n the order that they are received. Students who need a class to graduate\n in the requested term will be given priority.\n
\n\n Students who have taken the prerequisite class(es)\n at another institution must upload an unofficial transcript or completed\n grade report.\n
\n\n \n{{ reason.description }}
\n \n\n Files must be less than 2 MB.\n
\n\n You may attach up to\n {{ maxFiles }} files.\n
\n\n Allowed file extensions:\n gif jpg jpeg png rtf pdf doc docx rar zip.\n
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